May 31st, 2024-

I have been working on this website since the beginning of May I believe. For a while I've had the error page on their, and I would like to admit that there is a secret there. It's something silly, I think. I can't really remember what it's suppoused to be other than a text document. Anyways, my favorite music artists at the moment are Tyler, The Creator, and my favorite song by him is GONE, GONE/ THANK YOU. I am also a musical artist, I go under the name Cadaver, which is what you also call a dead body. I am working on an "official" album. I'm calling it offical because all my other stuff on my Bandlab is kind of sloppy and thrown together, and I want to make an album. I don't want to reveal too much, but it's a darker album, and that it's going to be one of the first album that features lyrics. (And possibly has a few features from my friends.)

June 20th, 2024-

Hello, it's been a while since I wrote. Currently it is 12:04 PM as I'm writing this. I have just watched The Perks of Being a Wallflower and I can confirm I sobbed during the end. I might watch again, since I'm thinking of going over to my friend's house tomorrow. I'm making my friend a mixtape on Spotify 'cause his music taste sucks, which was also inspired from wallflower. If ya'll r lucky, I might write sometime in the future. ;D (P.S. The album is still being worked on, im working on the fourth song I think, but the first song is also still in development...? It's complicated.)

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